Culture, Spirituality, Ceremony

I tumble and I roll, my waves clean your soul, I bring rain to clean the land. I breathe and you live another day indivisible as Air. I am lakes, rivers, streams and brooks, wetlands, swamps, lagoons and pools. I am watersheds, waterfalls, seas and ocean. I am liquid magic. I am clear, I am clean, I am soothing. I am ice and sleet and snow. I am darkness, thickness, waves and motion. I am cold, I am warm, I am female. I am fog, mist, and clouds. I shape the world-I shape your body-I shape the land within me. Honour me and calm your mind that you never thirst for love or life.” Questions: Would you exist without me? What are some of the things you could do on a regular basis to keep me clean and healthy?

Water has a spirit. Water floods around the boat protecting and holding your conscious and unconscious selves. It speaks to you as you swim or float in your own dreams.

Medicine Wheel Knowledge

“We once thought you came to live with us. You still could have that chance. We’re still here, and we live on this land. We don’t live in your libraries in the pages of your books. This project is not for digging up our pottery, or for digging up our bones, for that matter. It’s not even for digging up data and statistics about us. We have a long surviving and sacred tradition and an experiential wisdom that’s been passed on for more centuries than you can imagine. This is your chance to benefit from that. All you have to do is be quiet and listen and quit worrying about proving and believing.”
(Mad Bear – Tuscarora Holy Man of the Tuscarora Nation of the Six-Nation Haudenosaunee Confederacy)

Pacific Northwest Coast

Imagine what it must have been like for First Nations people to live on the Pacific Northwest Coast of British Columbia before the Great Change. Small Native villages were scattered along the rivers, bays, and inlets. The Tsimshian had survived and flourished for thousands of years in their lush and bountiful rain forest home. Every region had its own language, tradition and distinctive identity.

Prophecies & Knowledge

“So it was predicted by the prophets of this land of the free: That one day we would encounter the presence of people of other races with ways different form our own. They would erect their own kingdom upon our land, they will pose as good hearted. Their words will be charming and they will multiply like ants. We must not be deceived by them for the vines of their kingdom will spread throughout the land diluting and devouring everything that gets in its way. We must be cautious and not covet or adopt any of their ways, for it will forever be a curse upon our Nation.” (Hopi)

Sacred Objects, Images, Nature and Their Meanings

May all who enter rest in peace and safety beneath my wings. May all who leave, take with them wings of comfort
(Tsimshian Prayer)

“They say we have been here for 60,000 years, but it is much longer. We have been here since the time before time begin. We have come directly out of the Dreamtime of the Creative Ancestors. We have lived and kept the earth as it was on the First Day.”
(Anonymous Aboriginal Tribal Elder)

“The following sacred symbols have sustained Turtle Island’s Indigenous for thousands of years. They offer health and healing and when used correctly and in the spirit of the Old Ones, knowledge, healing and emotional wellness can be profound. For this is the way of it….all my relations.” (Thunderbird)


“Religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who have already been there.” (Vine Deloria Jr., Standing Rock Lakota, 1933-2005

Knock at the door of knowledge, keep knocking until the truth is heard

Get in touch now

“You can cage the singer, but not the song….Songs reach deep into the moment of our deepest anguish to lift our spirits.”
(Harry Belafonte, Singer, Civil Rights Activist)